About Us
SEEIF Ceramic, a.s. is a producer and supplier of traditional refractories and wide range of refractory ceramic materials, including services and consultancy related to their use by the customer. The company develop, manufacture and sale traditional refractory products used mainly in:
- foundries and ironworks
- blast furnaces
- cementworks and limekilns
- chemical and coking industry
- power industry
- building industry
- ceramic and glass industry
- stove-building
SEEIF Ceramic, a.s. has been established in 2009 by the merger of three major producers of refractory materials in the Czech Republic – the Moravian Ceramic Factory MKZ, KERAVIT Ostrava-Vítkovice and REFRAMO Kadaň. The history and tradition of the production of refractory products in merged companies dates back to 1831.

We support the professional development of employees by active involvement in the projects of the European Social Fund (ESF), especially in the project “Support for Employees II” project 2014 – 2020
Business information
- Commercial name: SEEIF Ceramic, a.s.
- Company headquarters: Spesovska 243, 679 02 Rajec-Jestrebi, Czechia
- Legal form: Public limited company
- ID: 283 07 372, VAT: CZ 699006556
- Registration: Regional Court in Brno, Section B, Entry 5701
- Date of incorporation: 14. 10. 2008
- Bank account details: Unicredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.,
branch Brno, IBAN: CZ23 2700 0000 0000 3926 4011,
Information from the economic registers
Business Register
Register of taxpayers consumption and environmental taxes
General terms and conditions
Our Production Plants
Plant 1 Rajec-Jestrebi

Production plant 1 MKZ Fireclay Factory is located in Rájec-Jestřebí in South-Moravian Region and it has been built in 1908 as brickyard and rebuilt in 1911 to produce the fireclay. Plant produces and sells fireclay refractories and high alumina refractory shaped products. These products are used mainly in foundries, stove-building, building industry and also in manufacturing of industrial furnaces. Fireclay products include three production branches: fireclay bricks for building industry, stove fireclay and casting fireclay. Fireclay and high alumina products for foundries (casting fireclay, foundry holloware) are used in gating systems for metal casting. Stove fireclay manufactured from both plastic mass and crumble mass are used as construction and non-construction linings of fireplaces, chimney-places and cauldrons. Fireclay and high alumina bricks are manufacture in more qualities for for use in very high temperatures up to 1 730 ° C. Special branch production line is manufacturing of heating elements – special fireclay shaped products with pressed-in electrical heating spiral – used as parts of ecological radiators for heating in habitable rooms.
Spesovska 243
679 02 Rajec-Jestrebi
Czech Republic
tel: +420 516 526 111
fax: +420 516 432 241
Plant 2 Rajec-Jestrebi

Production plant 2 MKZ Refractory Masses is located in Rájec-Jestřebí in South-Moravian Region and began the production in 1989. This production plant focuses mainly on the production of gunning and ramming masses for blast furnaces (tap hole clays), including masses and accessories for foundries and steel works. The additional range of the plant includes dried foundry sands.
Spesovska 243
679 02 Rajec-Jestrebi
Czech Republic
tel: +420 516 526 281
fax: +420 516 432 241
Plant 3 Ostrava

Production plant 3 Keravit is located in Ostrava-Vítkovice, in Moravian-Silesian Region. It is a traditional refractory ceramic materials producer. Since its founding in the 1th mid. of 19th century, the plant focused on meeting the needs of metallurgical steel making operations in Vítkovice iron works, in particular in the range of production fireclay shapes for gating systems. This plant is European leader in production of high alumina gating systems for steel ingot castings. Plant is also producer of wide range other refractories, produces structural refractory bricks for common and special industry needs and also produces unshaped refractories.
Koterova 362/3
706 02 Ostrava-Vitkovice
Czech Republic
tel: +420 597 357 049
fax: +420 597 357 461
Quality control

All processed raw materials are subject to initial inspection. Final products are tested to the extent of valid standards and acceptance conditions. We offer consultancy and testing activities to all interested parties.
In order to ensure the high quality of the refractory products supplied and in connection with the services provided, SEEIF Ceramic, a.s. introduced and certified a quality management system according to ISO 9001. At the same time an internal quality control of input raw materials and finished products is carried out, in order to ensure the conformity of the quality parameters given by the material sheet of the product with the parameters of the finished product.
The company has laboratories that provide continuous control of quality parameters in the production of refractory materials.